Saturday, November 28, 2009

Make 1/2 Your Plate Fruits & Vegies

The Healthy People 2010 objectives are nearing the end of their 10 year plan. The objective for fruits and vegetables is to increase the proportion of Americans over 2 year of age consuming > 2 servings of fruit daily to > 75% and > 3 servings of vegetables to > 50%. Unfortunately, Michigan like most ranks in the norm as a poor consumer with only 10-14% of the population meeting the goal. Why the push? Fruits and vegetables are a cheap form of health prevention. They are rich in phytochemicals that halt, lessen or prevent disease and are a great source of antioxidants which help repair the tissue damage caused by long runs and sprints. They are also part of a high fiber diet that has been shown to reduce risk for obesity and cancer, lower cholesterol and improve blood glucose levels. If you have younger family members try as a fun way to serve up health meals. If you are looking for ideas on how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet go to This site will calculate your individual fruit and vegetable needs, provide good budget ideas, identify recipes for picky eaters and feature a special fruit and vegetable of the month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article. Love the portion plate and vegie site!